Barry Litun

College of Alberta School Superintendents

Executive Director

Barry has been the Executive Director for the College of Alberta School Superintendents since 2013. Prior to that he was Superintendent for Lethbridge School District. Barry began his career in education as a physical education and math teacher in Lamont, AB. His first principal’s position was in Whitecourt, AB. He moved to Red Deer where he served as principal of Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School, and as Deputy Superintendent before moving to Lethbridge. Barry is married to Gail, and they have two sons: Justin (Kealy) in Edmonton and Adam (Erin) in Houston. Justin and Kealy are the parents to Noah & Everett, Barry & Gail’s two grandchildren.

Barry has been the Executive Director for the College of Alberta School Superintendents since 2013. Prior to joining CASS, he was Superintendent for Lethbridge School District. Barry began his career in education as a physical education and math teacher in Lamont, AB. His first principal’s position was in Whitecourt, AB. He moved to Red Deer where he served as principal of Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School, and as Deputy Superintendent before moving to Lethbridge. Currently CASS has more than 400 members, an increase of over 60% in the last five years. Providing opportunities for professional growth has been and continues to be the primary focus for CASS.


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Guiding Questions

As a result of participating in this pre conference, you will have the opportunity to address these learning outcomes through these guiding questions:

  1. How can artificial intelligence be leveraged to build effective relationships and advance practice and enhance and extend access to learning for all students?
  2. How can system education leaders ensure policies provide an ethical  frame for potential uses in ways that support inclusion, equity, decolonization and optimum learning?
  3. What risks, barriers and biases must system education leaders mitigate?
    • What are the ethical considerations related to AI in teaching and learning?
  4. How can system education leaders use AI to inform decision-making, realize efficiencies and improve operations? ( e.g., business administration, strategic/education planning).

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Learning Outcomes

As a result of participating in this pre conference, you will have the opportunity to create the conditions for “optimum learning for all” through the following themes: (The following content was generated with the assistance of an AI language model, ChatPGP 3.5).

  • Fundamental Questions
    • Uncover the fundamental questions surrounding AI's influence on education and participate in discussions led by experts and system leaders.
  • Potential Benefits and Challenges
    • Gain insights into the potential benefits of AI in education while addressing the inherent challenges it brings.
  • Policy and Practice
    • Explore the implications of AI for policy and practice, paving the way for informed decision-making at various levels.

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